Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Fun-Day!

Whew, it's exhausting having fun, isn't it? :) No, seriously it is. We decided to take a break today from any home projects and just spend some time with the kids, and it was SO nice. The blueberry festival just happened to be this weekend up in South Haven, Michigan and I had been wanting to check that town out since we moved here so off we went for an afternoon of fun. If you're ever in the Southern Michigan area, you have to check out South Haven; we will definitely be going back! The beaches are nice, which is a requisite for us, and the town is simply charming. It is a bit more "touristy" than St. Jo that we frequent, but I still love it. It's also a little more hilly, so that was a bit of a challenge with navigating the stroller, but I only dumped the girl out once so that's a win in my book. We didn't bring our swim gear with us this trip so we just walked the beach this time around. The weather was perfect and the kids were....well, not perfect exactly but pretty darn well behaved. All in all, it was a great day. Here are a few snapshots I took from our outing....

These 2 go hand in hand just about everywhere....sigh.

Few things are as good for my soul as running with my kids on the beach.


Exploring down town South Haven

Watching the tractor pull
We did a lot of boat watching today; the kids loved it.

I have a strange affinity for signage...

These are funny, right?! Well I thought so, so I stopped to take a pic. This guy with a thick Northern accent stops and tells me, "only a Southerner would be interested in something like that". So I responded "Is that right?" in my somewhat Southern drawl...the dude rolls his eyes and continues on. Northerners....good grief :)
And of course no visit is complete to a blueberry festival without bringing home some blueberries! I came home with a measley 10 lbs. These are like 1000 times better than those store bought ones. For real.
And if you haven't tried blueberry butter, you are missin' out folks. This stuff is D-licious.

So that wraps up our trip to the Blueberry Festival. The day was filled with kettle corn, sno-cones, lots and lots of walking, and of course a load of fun and memories. Hate to say it, but summer is drawing to a close up North so I am soaking. it. in.


  1. That one of the kiddos holding hands is priceless. I love it!


  2. Thanks, tiffany. I think it may be a framer :)

  3. Your pictures are fabulous! One of our neighbors made some of those "redneck wineglasses" for us as a Christmas present and she painted the outside of them. I think they are fun and actually use mine quite often ;)
